SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2994483 - Error while Releasing Check Deposit


You have assigned checks to the Check Deposit and you try to release the Check Deposit, at that time you see the error - Deposit ID ABC : Posting date DD.MM.YYYY not permitted. The Item to be cleared already has Postings assigned to it with Posting Date and Document(Clearing) id DEF. Enter a Posting Date equal to or after


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Payment Management Work centre.
  2. Click on Check Deposit view.
  3. Select the Check Deposit - ABC. 
  4. Click on Action and then Release and Set to In Transfer OR Release and Print Deposit Slip.
  5. You can see error


Initially, the Checks were assigned to the Check Deposit - DEF Which has posting date Later, the Check Deposit - DEF Reversed with Posting date in future. Now, you are assigning the Checks to the New Check Deposit - ABC.

The error occurs because checks assign to the Check Deposit ID - ABC has a posting date which is before the posting date of the Reversed Check Deposit - DEF. For example:

Check Deposit - DEF
Posting date - 05.11.2020
JE created with Posting date - 05.11.2020.

Reverse the Check Deposit - DEF
Posting Date - 03.12.2020(In future –
Reversed JE created with Posting date - 03.12.2020.

Now, you are assigning the same checks to the New Check Deposit – ABC.
Check Deposit – ABC
Posting Date – 17.11.2020(DD.MM.YYYY)
Click on Release ---->Release and Set to In Transfer OR Release and Print Deposit Slip.

Here, you see the error message because the Reversed JE was posted on 03.12.2020. Hence, you have to change the posting date of Check Deposit to 03.12.2020 or after.


This is a standard system behaviour.


Check Deposit Error, Posting date not permitted, Enter a posting date equal to or after, Incoming Check error. , KBA , check deposit error , posting date not permitted , enter a posting date equal to or after , incoming check error , AP-PAY-IC , Incoming Cheque , Known Error


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