You have noticed below errors while releasing Withholding Tax Return for Country India:
- Tax Payable Amount not correct.
- Amount ABC (ABC represents the amount) in Cover Document YYYY (YYYY represents the Supplier Invoice ID) unequal to Amount DEF (DEF represents the other amount) in Tax Return XX (XX represents the Withholding Tax Return).
- Release of Tax Return XX failed.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Tax Management Work center.
- Choose Withholding Tax Returns view.
- Select the Withholding Tax Return XX In Preparation and click Release (XX represents Withholding Tax Return).
- You see error messages:
- Tax Payable Amount not correct.
- Amount ABC in Cover Document YYYY unequal to Amount DEF in Tax Return.
- Release of Tax Return XX failed.
There are two reasons:
- For Country - India, it is not allowed to have multiple items in a single invoice with different Delivery Address (different states).
- The state field is empty in some of the items of Supplier Invoice and the Withholding Tax return does not pick up these items of the invoice because it treats them as tax item falling under different Tax reporting unit.
This is a standard system behavior for Tax Country - India.
You have to cancel this supplier invoice and re-create with correct states in Delivery Address. Then, you should execute a new Withholding Tax Return Run and Release the Withholding Tax Return.
amount in cover document unequal to; release of tax return failed; wht return India; wht return release error; withholding tax return; release error , KBA , release of tax return failed , wht return release error , amount in cover document unequal to , wht return india , withholding tax return release error , AP-TTE-GLO , Cross-Country Extensions , How To