SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2997037 - The field "Requested Delivery Date" is not determined automatically in the sales order


Although the configuration of the requested delivery date has been assigned to the sales document type "OR", the field "Requested Delivery Date" is not determined automatically when creating a sales order.


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition

Reproducing the Issue

  1. As a prerequisite, the configuration of the requested delivery date has been assigned to the sales document type "OR".
  2. Create a sales order through the "Manage Sales Orders" app or "Create Sales Orders - VA01".
  3. Find that the field "Requested Delivery Date" is not determined automatically in the sales order.


The "Propose Delivery Date" checkbox of the sales document type "OR" is not set.


  1. Open the "Manage Your Solution" app and click "Configure Your Solution".
  2. Search for the "Configure Sales Document Types" configuration step (ID 102495) and click "Configure".
  3. Seach for the sales document type "OR" and click into it.
  4. Set the "Propose Delivery Date" checkbox and retry.


Requested Delivery Date, Determined Automatically, Sales Document Type, Propose Delivery Date, Configuration Step, ID 102495 , KBA , SD-SLS-SO , Sales Orders , SD-SLS-SO-2CL , Sales Orders (Public Cloud) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud all versions