- ASE errorlog reports error 14108 with a stacktrace including function ptn_getrow().
- This can raise 'Critical Error' in Solution Manager monitoring
- The sequence in the ASE log contains these elements :
Error: 14108, Severity: 20, State: 8
Could not find partition descriptor for objid 239438854, indid 12, ptnid 0 in dbid 4.
lasterror = 14108 preverror = 0 transtate = 0
curcmd = 193 program = R3D106 00 comm rd ODBC
extended error information: hostname: xxxxx login: SAPSR3 - with a stack trace including
LeAPScanOp::_LeOpNext - SQL causing error can show lines or reference to Infocube tables:
SQL causing error: _________
or (for example)
SQL Text: CREATE PROC [H2SRB] AS select str("DT"."SID_0CALWEEK",000006,'0') as "0CALWEEK" , "S1"."CCMTTYPE" as "0CCMTTYPE" , SUM ( "F"."CCMACNT" ) as ...
- The error 14108 can also be reported as Fatal Error with these messages in developer trace file (dev_w<n>):
C ERROR: -1 in function GetTranState (SQLExecDirect failed) [line 57245]
C evaluation of transaction state failed.
C dbdssyb: DBSL99 SQL21
C [ASE Error SQL21]WARNING - Fatal Error 14108 occurred at <Month> dd yyyy hh:mmAM/PM. Please note the error and time, and contact a user with System Administrator (SA) authorization.
B ***LOG BY2=> sql error 21 performing OPC [dbds 447]
B ***LOG BY0=> [ASE Error SQL21]WARNING - Fatal Error 14108 occurred at <Month> dd yyyy hh:mmAM/PM. Please note the error and time, and contact a user with System Administrator (SA) authorization. [dbds 447]
C *** ERROR => allocation of statement handle failed (-1).
[dbsyb.c 54516]
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP03 for Business Suite
- SAP NetWeaver (NW) - All versions
- SAP Solution Manager (SOLMAN) 7.2
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 ; SAP Solution Manager 7.2
CR826243, CR#826243, 826243 , KBA , BW-SYS-DB-SYB , BW on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Bug Filed
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