The following Guided Answers Decision Tree will help you to resolve problems that you encounter with the below SAP NetWeaver AS Java implementations:
- RMI - The Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) enables the creation of Java-to-Java applications between remote Java Virtual Machines (JVMs). An example of the use of RMI is the communication between external Java applications and the SAP NetWeaver AS. RMI can be used either using the P4 protocol or the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP).
- P4 – SAP’s RMI implementation / provided as a library and as a service. P4 supports AS Java Server environment as well as standalone JVM application environment.
- IIOP – SAP’s CORBA implementation / provided as a service.
- CROSS service - The difference between P4 and IIOP is mitigated by the Cluster Remote Object and Security System service (CROSS). The CROSS service provides a common view for the object-based protocols running on the AS Java cluster. It allows one remote object to be accessed from both P4 protocol and IIOP protocol. The CROSS service provides the implementation which connects the servers and the ICM through the FCA
The following topics are covered in the decision tree:
- P4 connection issues
- Deployment issues: AS Java P4 connection error
- Standalone P4 Client issue
- P4 authentication issues
- ADS issues due to IIOP service
- service vulnerabilities
....and much much more
- SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java
- Release Independent
SAP Composition Environment all versions ; SAP Enterprise Portal all versions ; SAP NetWeaver Application Server all versions ; SAP NetWeaver Application Server for Java all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions ; SAP Process Integration all versions ; SAP Solution Manager all versions
Production ABAP R/3 ERP SRM CRM ERP PPM SEM APO XI PI PORTAL Test development QA Shell Console Administrator via Telnet protocol DBPool, DS, DataSource , KBA , BC-JAS-COR-RMT , RMI, P4, CORBA, IIOP , BC-JAS-COR , Enterprise Runtime, Core J2EE Framework , Problem
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