You would like to configure the attribute checks which check several attributes against the same attribute from one master data type.
For example, in simple master data type MD01 to enable attribute check for two attributes against the same attribute from another master data type.
With such configuration, the attribute value for ATTR01 and ATTR02 must meet below two conditions.
- The value exists in MD02.ATTR00.
- ATTR01=ATTR02.
When the two attributes' value exist in the MD02.ATTR00 but they are different, the integration failed with below error-
"Master data import in foreign key check failed;check master data XX."
- SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- SAP Sales and Operations Planning (SCM-SOP)
- SAP Integrated Business Planning (SCM-IBP)
attribute check, master data import in foreign key check failed, same attribute, reference , KBA , SCM-IBP-CNF-MD , Master Data Types App , SCM-IBP-XLS-MD , Master Data Management , How To
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