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3000603 - Note count in System Overview page is inconsistent to the Note count in Note Overview for the specific system in System Recommendation


  1. You process some notes in System Recommendations for a Managed System and change the status (since SP07 - processing status) to a different value than the default value 'Undefined'. Afterwards you go back to the System Overview page but the note count there do not change!

  2. You see there is a Note count with non-zero value in system overview, however no any note is displayed when you click the note count link to open the Note overview for that managed system.

Attention: The processing status mentioned here is the status in System Recommendations NOT the processing status in SNOTE!
The processing status of SNOTE do NOT have any effect to System RecommendationsO!!!



SAP Solution Manager 7.2


SAP Solution Manager 7.2


SysRec, System Recommendations, Security Notes, HotNews, note count, status , KBA , SV-SMG-SR , System Recommendations for Managed Systems , Problem

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