- The delivery planning status of the Freight unit in /SCMTMS/D_TORROT table is not updating as expected.
- Your process may be similar to the following: The base document is Sales order, subsequent FU is planned onto a Freight Order. There is a Batch-job which picks the Planned Freight Orders and creates deliveries.
- Sporadically, for some documents the "DLV_PLANNING" attribute in the /SCMTMS/D_TORROT table remains as 'A=Not processed' despite delivery getting created.
- Another observation for such deliveries is that in delivery (vl03n), under status overview tab, the transfer planning status is 'A= not processed'.
- SAP Transportation Management 9.4+
- S/4 HANA 1709+
SAP S/4HANA 1909
/SCMTMS/CL_FU_BUILDER_OL ~ PROCESS_FU_ROOT_NODE lv_dlv_pln_status , /scmtms/dlv_planning status erp compare_pln_status , KBA , TM-INT-LI-CS-DLV , Delivery Creation , Problem
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