Table creation is failed in MAIN_NEWBAS/PARCONV_UPG phase during system upgrade.
The following errors can be found
4 ED0314 DROP TABLE "<tablename>"
2 ED0313 SQL error -204: SQL0204N "<schema>.<tablename>" is an undefined name. SQLSTATE=42
2 ED0314 704
4 EDA093 "DDL time(___1):" ".........1" milliseconds
4 EGT247 .... "<tablename>" was already removed
2EEGT207 Creation of table "<tablename>" or primary index in DB failed
2EEGT239 Error in step "<tablename>-STEP2"
4 EGT253XTotal time for table "<tablename>": "000:00:00"
2EEGT094 Conversion could not be restarted
in NCONVXX.<sid>:
2 EGT054XRequest: Convert "Table <tablename> (DDIC/27.11.20/10:18)"
3WEGT062 A restart log already exists for table "<tablename>"
4 EGT092 Conversion of table "<tablename>" was restarted
2 EGT241 The conversion is continued at step "2"
4 EGT246 Type of conversion: "P" -> "T"
4 EGT850XBeginning of Step "<tablename>-STEP2" ( "10:18:03" )
4 EGT281 sql:
4 ED0314 CREATE TABLE "<tablename>"
4 ED0314 IN "<tablespace name>"
4 ED0314 INDEX IN "<tablespace name>"
4 ED0314 LONG IN "<tablespace name>"
2 ED0313 SQL error -204: SQL0204N "<tablespace name>" is an undefined name. SQLSTATE=42704
4 EDA093 "DDL time(___1):" ".........2" milliseconds
2EEGT236 The SQL statement was not executed
4 EGT281 sql:
2 ED0313 SQL error -204: SQL0204N "<schema>.<tablename>" is an undefined name. SQLSTATE=42
2 ED0314 704
4 EDA093 "DDL time(___1):" ".........1" milliseconds
4 EGT247 .... "<tablename>" was already removed
2EEGT207 Creation of table "<tablename>" or primary index in DB failed
2EEGT239 Error in step "<tablename>-STEP2"
4 EGT253XTotal time for table "<tablename>": "000:00:00"
2EEGT094 Conversion could not be restarted
Issue can happen on several tables.
" is an undefined name in MAIN_NEWBAS/PARCONV_UPG phase during system upgrade"> Read more...
SAP on IBM Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
SQL0204N, PARCONV_UPG , KBA , BC-DB-DB6 , DB2 Universal Database for Unix / NT , Problem
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