- A join query joining involving two or more tables is slow due to a suboptimal query plan.
- There exists another faster query plan using a different index or different join order.
- There exists join column with skew data, a related column histogram in optdiag output shows ‘Total density’ is much higher than ‘Range cell density’, e.g.
Statistics for column: "column_name"
Range cell density: 0.0001233381992404
Total density: 0.3222680491657743
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
suboptimal query plan, CR 727887, 727887, Range cell density, Total density, trace flag 364, trace flag 16982
insert into #devicemap values(@DiskName,@PhysName,"disk_"+convert(char(10),@grp)) |
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