Error appears during simulation of Accrual Run for Particular time account type.
Error in "Time Account Process Simulator" tool / Accrual Calendar results file shows:
"Error happen when invoke rule function: averageJobInfoValue, root cause: while trying to invoke the method com.successfactors.absence.bean.employeetimeaccount.TimeAccountType.getExternalCode() of a null object loaded from local variable 'timeAccountType'"
Employee Central, Time Off
Reproducing the Issue
- Configure Time Account Type with Hire / Accrual rule that uses rule function "Calculate Average Value For Numeric Job Info Field()"
- Simulate Accrual via the "Time Account Process Simulator" tool
- Error: "Rule call returns a failure."
- Result Section shows: "Error happen when invoke rule function: averageJobInfoValue, root cause: while trying to invoke the method com.successfactors.absence.bean.employeetimeaccount.TimeAccountType.getExternalCode() of a null object loaded from local variable 'timeAccountType'"
Engineering are investigating root cause behind this execution error.
Engineering are working on the issue and this KBA will be updated with further details.
Calculate Average Value For Numeric Job Info Field(), averageJobInfoValue, hire rule error, TIM-19268 , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-TIM , Time Off , LOD-SF-EC-RUL , DO NOT USE - Business Rules & Event Derivation , Problem