- When trying to import some tables to Snowflake datastore seeing error:
ODBC data source <datastore name> error message for operation <SQLFetch>:<[Snowflake][Snowflake][25] Result download worker error: Worker error: [Snowflake][DSI] An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the error message for key 'SFRestRequestFailed' and component ID 102 Could not open error message files - On tables that do import, viewing data on the tables returns error:
ODBC call <SQLDriverConnect> to connect database <DB name> failed with error: <ODBC call <SQLDriverConnect> to connect database <DB name> failed with error: <[Snowflake][Snowflake] (4) REST request for URL https://<server:port/session/v1/login-request?requestId=<ID number>8&request_guid=<GUID number>=<DB name> failed: CURLerror (curl_easy_perform() failed) - code=7 msg='Couldn't connect to server' osCode=10061 osMsg='Unknown error'
SAP Data Services
SAP Data Services 4.2
Snowflake, data store, metadata , KBA , EIM-DS-EXE , Job Execution , EIM-DS , Data Services , Problem
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