Symptom a)
When loading/reading from a HCPR, the following error messages are visible:
- "Instantiation of calculation model failed/[Request Info: Object Name = <object_name>, FM Name = TREX_DBS_AGGREGATE"
- "Error 34.023 has occurred in the BWA/SAP HANA server"
- "Error reading the data of InfoProvider <hcpr_technical_name>"
- "Error in BW: _HCPR_PROCESS-3-"
In the indexserver traces, further messages may be visible:
- "Failed to obtain analytical privilege definition"
- "No Procedure found with schema name _SYS_BIC and procedure name <procedure_name>"
Symptom b)
DBMS user appears to be authorized on an External SAP HANA view on which they'd be not supposed to, or vica versa.
Symptom c)
Error/warning during authorization check/replication: "Privilege is outdated"
- SAP NetWeaver 7.5
- SAP BW/4HANA 1.0 and higher
"privilege", "obsolete privilege", "34.023", "34023", "HCPR", "load", "read", "_HCPR_PROCESS-3-", "Instantiation of calculation model failed", "Instantiation of calculation model failed/", "TREX_DBS_AGGREGATE", "RS2HANA_GEN", "DBMAN099", "DBMS", "not supposed", Hana view authorization issue, HANA view authorization issue , HANA SQL Privileges Misisng , HANA Analytic Privileges, query external hana view , hana external view , KBA , BW4-ME-HMOD-AUT , BW2HANA authorization generation , BW-WHM-MTD-HMOD-AUT , BW2HANA authorization generation , Problem
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