How to disable or hide the comment box when routing 360 forms to next step.
Email notification comments box still appears in 360 form after removing [[DOC_COMMENT]] token from Document routing notification.
360 MultiRater
[[DOC_COMMENT]] token in the body of "360 Document Approval Notification” email template will also cause the "Email notification comment" box to appear in the 360 form when routing to next step.
1. Go to Admin Centre > Company Settings > E-mail Notification Templates Settings
2. Select "360 Document Approval Notification" email template
3. In the email body, remove the token [[DOC_COMMENT]].
4. If different templates have been specified for each form, make sure to remove the token for those templates.
5. Click Save Changes.
Note: The Token [[DOC_COMMENT]] must be removed from the English US language template, even if English US is not used or enabled in the instance, otherwise the comment box will still appear.
If it is not enabled, use the Manage Languages tool to enable English US, and remove the token from the Document Routing Notification template.
360 form , Routing comment box , comment box , DOC_COMMENT, [[DOC_COMMENT]], disable, enable, hide, remove , KBA , LOD-SF-MTR-FRM , Forms and Templates , Problem