In Query Browser(SAPUI5 application), measure text is not shown in the title of the result row or column. Instead, it shows "Total" for all measures as below:
Measures | Grand Total | |||||
Dimension | Measure 1 | Measure 2 | Measure 3 | Total | Total | Total |
As a result you are not able to distinguish which row/column shows the result of which measure.
The expected layout is like below:
Measures | Result | Result | Result | |||
Dimension | Measure 1 | Measure 2 | Measure 3 | Measure 1 | Measure 2 | Measure 3 |
In Web Dynpro application, the measure texts are shown in the result title as expected.
SAP Fiori
Query Browser
Fiory, Query Browser, SAPUI5, UI5, tile, WebDynpro, Web Dynpro, WD, analytical query, title, total, sum, result , KBA , BI-RA-AD-EA , Embedded Analytics for S/4 , How To
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