Received error 341 when accessing the proxy table after upgrading the ASE to 16.03.09 from 16.03.07:
Msg 341, Level 18, State 1:Server 'ASE_servername', Line 2: Internal error: SIGSEGV happened,
please refer this issue to SAP Technical Support. -
Run dbcc checktable(sysstatistics) on the ASE server (16.0 SP03 PL09) which proxy table resides in it, the output shows sysstatistics has corruption.
- On Solaris platform, ASE errorlog reports a signal 8 (SIGFPE) in the module stu_findslot() followed by a stack trace
st_readstatistics -
Run optidag to see the statistics information of proxy table, but it failed due to error:
Server Message: test_16 - Msg 102, Level 15, State 181: Incorrect syntax near ','.
Datatype '0' is not supported by Optdiag. sprintf_value() returned CS_FAIL. -
No other error message nor stack trace is printed to the ASE's errorlog.
Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16 SP03 PL09
Error 341, proxy table, statistics information, sprintf_value(), CR823816, SIGFPE, 823816, stu_findslot , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Bug Filed
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