You are trying to setup BI Monitoring scenario in SAP Solution Manager, for DRM scenario, but when attempting to get jobs details, the system doesn't retrieve data, there is an Error when loading BI Monitoring for DRM Scenario (Data readiness Monitoring) .
Logs from web browser Developer tools we can see below error:
ManagedObject.apply: encountered unknown setting 'mainViewId' for class 'dr_monitor.Component.DRView.Component' (value:'guid_XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXX')
2021-01-11:01:11.212111 [ODataMetadata] initial loading of metadata failed -
2021-01-11:01:11.232332 Error: HTTP request failed -
SAP Solution Manager 7.2
DRM scenario, Data readiness Monitoring , KBA , SV-SMG-MON-JBI-BI , BI Monitoring (technical monitoring) , Problem
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