When validating the instance, you get errors such as
[ESEF.2.5.2.undefinedLanguageForTextFact] Each tagged text fact MUST have the 'xml:lang' attribute assigned or inherited. - sap-2019-12-31.html 7228, 7230, ..
[ESEF.2.2.3.transformRegistry] ESMA recommends applying the latest available version of the Transformation Rules Registry marked with 'Recommendation' status for these elements: ifrs-full:AdjustmentsForDepreciationAndAmortisationExpense, - sap-2019-12-31.html 53, ..
This is because the instance has been created with the transformation registry version 3 rule-set. The ESMA recommends using version 4
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Disclosure Management Stack 1601 and lower
ESEF.2.2.3.transformRegistry ESEF.2.5.2.undefinedLanguageForTextFact , KBA , dm , EPM-DSM-COR-EU , EU , Problem
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