In both EC Custom columns on Compensation worksheet, same values are being displayed even if the EC Category and Field is set correctly from the design worksheet.
SAP Successfactors Compensation
Reproducing the Issue
1. Create 2 custom columns from your EC Compensation Template.
2. Map Both Columns accordingly depending on the Pay Structure you have configured via Manage Organization Pay and Job Structure.
3. Save the Design Worksheet.
4. Launch a form.
5. Seeing the same value from the 2 custom column on the Comp Worksheet.
The pay range field is not available under the jobInfo element in the data model, so it is not going to work. All mapping related to pay range are just going to return the pay range name.
1. Create a custom field of type pay range under jobInfo in the data model. Then populate the field with the valid value for all users in the system and map the compensation field to this custom field to get the mid-point.
2. Or, create a custom MDF object of type user with one field defined as pay range of type foundation object using the configure object definition page and then add the field value for all users using manage data page. Use field mapping to this custom MDF object via Employment Details.
pay range mapping, same value showing on EC custom field on Compensation worksheet, pay range field not being pick up on worksheet , KBA , LOD-SF-CMP-EC , EC data, EC mappings, configuration & settings , Problem