SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3013889 - Workflow rules concatenate does not work with fields more than 60 characters


Workflow rules concatenate does not work with fields more than 60 characters


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Administration WoC
  2. Go to Workflow Rules view
  3. Create a workflow rule that concatenates two fields
  4. Go to Service WoC
  5. Go to ticket abc (abc represents the ticket id)
  6. Trigger workflow rule (Result: the field is not updated, it is blank)


When one of the fields that was expected to be concatenated contains more than 60 characters the result of the updated field is blank.


  • Known limitation of the workflow concatenation
  • The system is working as designed
  • Should customers require such functionality urgently, then please contact the implementation manager to help with such request or approach the SAP Cloud Service Center directly for further assistance.
  • Find more details about the services offered by Cloud Service Center by checking:
    1. For partners, use:
      1. the link or
      2. the Partnerfinder link
    2. For customers:
      1. Click the blue box “Contact Us” shown on the right-hand side of the SAP Application Development site
      2. choose “Contact Us”, once more
      3. choose “Services”
      4. choose “Cloud Services” and complete the form
      • Note: The services of the SAP Cloud Service Center will be charged as packaged services based on fixed prices.
  • An alternative option may be to check the SAP Customer Influence Program to submit an idea.
    • See KBA 2531650 - New Customer Request for Additional Feature or Function in SAP standard software, for more details


 workflow, concatenation, 60 , KBA , LOD-CRM-WKF , Workflow , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions