Scenario 1: The delivery is changed from not relevant for WM to relevant for WM.
- You do manual picking first and picking request shows open in the document flow.
- Then you change the storage location from not relevant for WM to relevant for WM. (In some cases this cannot be seen from change log).
- You create TO and confirm all of them but the WM status is still 'B'.
Scenario 2: The delivery is relevant for picking but not relevant for WM.
- You do manual picking and picking request shows open in the document flow.
- Then if you do batch split, the overall WM status will change from blank to 'B'.
- Sales And Distribution (SD)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
SAP S/4HANA all versions
OverallWMStatus, VBUP-LVSTK, LVSTK, WM activ.status, VBUP-LVSTA, LVSTA, VL110, VBFA-TAQUI, RVDELSTA, ZPICKFLO, confirm pick order, picking request , KBA , LE-SHP-DL , Delivery Processing , Problem
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