- Description: "The remote X11 server accepts connections from anywhere. An attacker can connect to it to eavesdrop on the keyboard and mouse events of a user on the remote host. It is even possible for an attacker to grab a screenshot of the remote host or to display arbitrary programs. An attacker can exploit this flaw to obtain the username and password of a user on the remote host."
- Solution: "Restrict access to this port by using the 'xhost' command. If the X11 client/server facility is not used, disable TCP entirely."
- X11 (X Window)
- SAP Data Services 4.X
SAP Data Services 4.2
X11, DS, data services, X Window, compatible, compatibility, vulnerability, SSH, TCP , KBA , EIM-DS-SVR , Administration/Server , EIM-DS-DEP , Deployment, Installation, Upgrade , Problem
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