There are several /SCWM/INB_DLV_SAVEREPLICA queues for EWM document creation stuck in SMQ2 transaction. The queues are stuck with assertion failed error and in ST22 the respective DUMPs can be found.
The ASSERTION_FAILED dump is happening in line 113 of method UPDATE_TABLE from class /SCDL/CL_DL_UPDATE:
111 MODIFY (lv_tabname) FROM TABLE <lt_ins>. "#EC CI_DYNTAB
112 "abort, if both INSERT and MODIFY are unsuccessful
>>>>> ASSERT sy-subrc = 0.
114 " one reason why there is a dump here: LE number is used as EWM document
115 " number and restrictions described in the customizing were ignored.
116 " use emergency mode (transaction /SCWM/DLV_DTYPE_EM) to switch to EWM
117 " document numbers immediately
118 " option: use checkpoint /SCDL/DBAL_DB_SAVE (as logpoint) to see whether
119 " the document number is involved
In the queue container, you can see that DELIV_NUMB field inside the segment ITEM_DATA has a temporary value ($) together with the respective document type that system is attempting to create in EWM (for example $EGR). In this KBA the scenario for EGR (Expect Goods Receipt) will be described, but this KBA is also valid for other delivery types and different number range objects.
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SCM-EWM)
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management - Delivery Processing (SCM-EWM-DLP)
- Number Range Management (BC-SRV-NUM)
Interface, Delivery Processing, ERO, ERP Delivery, NR, /SCWM/ERPINTEGRATION403, /SCWM/ERPINTEGRATION 403 , KBA , SCM-EWM-DLP-SF-ID , Inbound Delivery , BC-SRV-NUM , Number Range Management , How To
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