SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3016631 - Post Refresh Health Check - Recruiting Posting


We would like to request a Post Refresh Health Check to ensure the proper integration of Recruiting Posting.


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Posting


There is no Post Refresh Health Check feature on Recruiting Posting because Instance Refresh doesn't impact the RPO Product.

However, you may have to confirm that in Provisioning > Company Settings > Recruiting Posting Settings, the Environment still matches (Preview or Production). Also, Authorized SP Assertion Consumer Service Settings must have the proper URL for Recruiting Posting (see SAP Knowledge Base Article 2686521).

If there is a change of the Company ID, please reach out to the Support team, as the backend configuration will need to be updated accordingly.

See Also

2791468 - Instance Refresh Tool for BizX & LMS | Must-know guide & FAQ

2686521 - Provisioning settings for Recruiting Posting SSO implementation 


instance refresh, post refresh health check, recruiting posting, rpo , KBA , LOD-SF-RPO-INT , Integration & Int Services with RCM, EC etc , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions