A quote which is flagged as primary quote in the Sale Quotes view, has its primary flag set to 'False' in the Data Workbench Export
Additionally, the field "Update_Opportunity" is empty but a related opportunity got an update from the quote.
SAP Cloud for Customer
The quote in question is a CPQ quote and is not changeable in the C4C (neither from the UI nor from Data Workbench).
Changes can only be done in its original CPQ system.
The relevant changes will then automatically be replicated to the C4C.
This is ecpeced system behaviour for CPQ quotes in C4C.
See Also
- Integration with SAP CPQ
- KBA 2967252 - Odata Service Cpquote in Integration with CPQ Scenario
- KBA 2935839 - Realignment Run is not Updating Sales Quote Related to CPQ
- KBA 2955952 - CPQ Quote Does Not Have Contact Information
- KBA 2945512 - CPQ Sales Quote To Be Deleted From Cloud for Customer
change, true, false, export, flag , KBA , LOD-LE-CQP , Customer Quote Processing , LOD-LE-MIG-CNT , LEAP Migration Content , How To