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3018528 - Error message: Local temporary table, <table_name>, must be committed in order to create an index.


When trying to create an index for a Local Temporary table the following error is reported:

I. 01/27 14:03:36. 0000002157 Exception Thrown from dblib/db_catalog.cxx:6815, Err# 11, tid 5 origtid 5
I. 01/27 14:03:36. 0000002157 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 1025 (db_catalogException); SQLCode: -1000106, SQLState: 'QDB06', Severity: 14
I. 01/27 14:03:36. 0000002157 [20766]: Local temporary table, <table_name>, must be committed in order to create an index.



  •  SAP IQ, all Versions.


SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP IQ 16.1 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.2 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.4


create index, temporary table, committed, Exception, dblib/db_catalog , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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