- Replications error out after about 1200 seconds of starting. Status of the task remains on "starting", the PRESQL operation to QUEUE the subscription will not complete.
- Error executing SQL command in task.;Error executing ALTER_REMOTE_SUBSCRIPTION_QUEUE with command: 'ALTER REMOTE SUBSCRIPTION "HANADW"."SUB_VT_SAPSR3_BSIK" QUEUE'. ,exception 71000256: QUEUE: SUB_VT_SAPSR3_BSIK: Failed to add subscription for remote subscription SUB_VT_SAPSR3_BSIK[id = 129054087] in remote source RS_ECC_SDI[id = 129007298]. Error: exception 151050: CDC add subscription failed: RS[RS_ECC_SDI]: Request timed out.
- There was a blocked thread in the source HANA preventing cleanup of HADP_ tables
SAP HANA Smart Data Integration
SAP NetWeaver 7.5
KBA , HAN-DP-SDI , SAP HANA smart data integration (SDI) , Problem
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