SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3020255 - Recommendations for Mitigating Fixed Assets Depreciation Run Performance Issues


You execute the Depreciation run. The execution shows a job duration that is excessively long.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. In the Fixed Assets workcenter navigate to Periodic Tasks - Depreciation.
  2. Press New - Fixed Asset Depreciation Run.
  3. Enter a run description, maintain the company and the respective period and year.
  4. Press Start Now to immediately execute the run or Schedule for execution in the future.
  5. The job execution time is excessively long.


Unusually high data volume to be processed can occur due to a large number of Fixed Assets and combinations of Company, Set of Books and multiple associated Valuation Views.

Under certain circumstances this could present a problems specifically in periods significant for Year End Closing activities.

Processed valuation data for described specific Valuation View combinations can result in high data base consumption and therefore impacting the performance of the Depreciation Run.


In case number of involved Fixed Assets and combinations of Set of Books and multiple assigned Valuation Views per Set of Books affect the performance of the Fixed Assets - Depreciation Run we recommend the following approach to reduce that data load per Depreciation run.

Restrict the Data Selection to one Set of Books and Valuation View for new Depreciation Runs.

Perform the Depreciation run only for relevant Valuation Views as by standard more Valuation Views are provided.

While it is feasible to execute Depreciation Runs for several companies in parallel - it is not recommended to perform Depreciation Runs for one company simultaneously.
This can result in locking errors as the same Fixed Asset could be processed in parallel runs.
Here it is suggested to chain the run executions created for each Valuation View to run automatically one after the other.
This can be achieved by scheduling respective depreciation runs in the future.
For the newly created run navigate back to the Fixed Assets - Depreciation view and open the run's Job Monitor by clicking on View Jobs option.
Select Reschedule and the radio-button Run After Job and specify the job sequentially prior to this job using value help and save.


Depreciation Run, Performance , KBA , SRD-FIN-FA , Fixed Assets , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions