- Error when refreshing a report based on a BEx Query.
- Can successfully refresh the same report with different parameter values.
- When refreshing a report based on an SAP BW Bex Query in Crystal Reports for Enterprise, it fails with the error:
"Failed to execute query:
‘com.businessobjects.mds.olap.protocol.bics.BICSException: BW System <SAP BW System>:
Result set too large (<Number> cells); data retrieval restricted by configuration (maximum = <Maximum Number> cells)’
Redesign your query or contact the data source maintainer to solve the problem.
Please take one of the following actions:
- Click here to verify data source to fix this error.
- Click here to use ‘set data source location’ to fix this error."
- SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.1
- SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.2
- SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.3
- SAP BW 7.4
- SAP BW 7.5
Reproducing the Issue
- In the Information Design Tool (IDT), create a BICS OLAP connection to an SAP BW System.
- In Crystal Reports for Enterprise, create a report using the OLAP Connection to an SAP BW System.
- Select an SAP BW Bex Query, and add at least one dimension, and one measure to the report.
- When refreshing the report, it fails with the error:
"Failed to execute query: ‘com.businessobjects.mds.olap.protocol.bics.BICSException…
Result set too large (<Number> cells); data retrieval restricted by configuration (maximum = <Maximum Number> cells) … "
- Configuration on the SAP BW System is limiting the number of cells an SAP BW Bex Query can return, which therefore return the error in Crystal Reports for Enterprise.
- In more details: This is not a configuration or an error of Crystal Reports for Enterprise, but a configuration on the SAP BW System. The Safety Belt on the SAP BW System is set by default to 500,000, but the SAP BW Bex Query returns more than the limit, and this is why the SAP BW System generates this message, and send it to Crystal Reports for Enterprise.
- To successfully refresh the report:
- Increase the limit of the SAP BW System Safety Belt; or
- Add filters to the SAP BW BEx query to return less data than the limit set on the SAP BW System Safety Belt.
- Increase the limit of the SAP BW System Safety Belt:
Request to the SAP BASIS Administrator to increase the following RSADMIN parameters on the SAP BW System to allow more cells to be returned for the BEx Query: - BICS_DA_RESULT_SET_LIMIT_DEF
- Increasing the number cells limit will increase the memory consumed by the process on the SAP BW System, and with lower memory for other tasks, it can decrease the performance of the SAP BW System.
- With a larger result, reporting application will also require more memory to display and format the data, and may reach the maximum memory limit, and cause the application to generate different error, or crash.
For example: Crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.2 and below on a desktop is a 32bit Java application and it is limited to 512MB of memory. If it requires more memory than the limit, the application will close automatically. But on the server, the Crystal Reports Processing Server is 64bit, and can therefore consume more memory for the process. Reports with large data set should be scheduled on the server.
CR4E, CRFE, CRforE, CR for Ent , KBA , BI-RA-CRE , Crystal Reports for Enterprise , Problem
SAP Crystal Reports 2013 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2016 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2020