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3021410 - Error: "Cannot get remote source objects: Invalid remote source xml format. Make sure the xml is valid" - SAP HANA Smart Data Integration


  • Following error occurs while testing remote source connection
     SAP DBTech JDBC: [403]: internal error: Cannot get remote source objects: Invalid remote source xml format. Make sure the xml is valid.
  • framework.trc shows:
    2021-02-05 14:18:01,695 [DEBUG] DPFramework |  - <<1152:116:GET_SOURCE_VERSION:SDA:***:***:CamelJdbcAdapter::***:0:0:GET_SOURCE_VERSION:RoutingHeaders :{RequestReceived<<=***:***}
    2021-02-05 14:18:01,695 [TRACE] DPFramework | AdapterManager.isCppAdapter  -  Check for CPP Adapter: CamelJdbcAdapter
    2021-02-05 14:18:01,695 [TRACE] DPFramework | AdapterManager.isCppAdapter  -    ASEAdapter
    2021-02-05 14:18:01,695 [TRACE] DPFramework | AdapterManager.isCppAdapter  -  Found = false
    2021-02-05 14:18:03,311 [ERROR] DPFramework | WorkerThread.processRequest  - Invalid remote source xml format. Make sure the xml is valid. Context: javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException
                                     - with linked exception:
                                    [ ParseError at [row,col]:[8,129]
                                    Message: The reference to entity "requireSSL" must end with the ';' delimiter.]



  • SAP HANA Smart Data Integration
  • CamelJdbcAdapter


SAP HANA smart data integration 2.0 ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


XML remote Adapter 403 , KBA , HAN-DP-SDI , SAP HANA smart data integration (SDI) , Problem

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