The Multi-stage Inventory Optimization (MSIO) operator has been run.
In an Excel planning view at the Product ID, Location ID and Customer Group level filtered on a particular product/location:
- AVAILABLEINFULL (AIF) and AVERAGESERVICELEVEL (ASL) key figures show a high value like 0.9999;
- TARGETSERVICELEVEL (TSL) key figure can be much lower (i.e. 0.90);
- IOFORECAST key figure has values > 0.
This article discusses the possible cause for this behavior.
SAP Integrated Business Planning (SCM-IBP) for Inventory
ibp, inventory, io, inv, meio, msio, multistage, multi-stage, multi, stage, optimization, AVERAGESERVICELEVEL, TARGETSERVICELEVEL, AVAILABLEINFULL, customer, group, sourcecustgroup, demand, stream, INTERNALAVAILABLEINFULL, isl , KBA , SCM-IBP-INV , Inventory Planning , How To
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