When you are performing ERP6.0 EHP8 or NetWeaver 7.5 upgrade, SUM stops with following error in phase PREP_EXTENSION/ADDON_QCALC:
Checks after phase PREP_EXTENSION/ADDON_QCALC were negative!
Last error code set:
Queue calculation failed since ADDons are missing
ERROR: The system cannot generate the add-on queue due to missing add-ons or support packages.
Choose Back until you get to the add-on selection dialog to change your selection.
Missing add-on(s):
Package Component
The error message in the log SPDA_ADDONQCALC.LOG is as below:
3WETN586 There are upgrades to required software component versions missing
3EETN582 Software component "VIRSANH" rel."9999999999" is required
3EETN584 Revise the selections and decisions in the phase IS_SELECT
2WETN586 There are upgrades to required software component versions missing
While you were generating the stack file in Maintenance Planner, there was the following warning:
Software component version VIRSANH 9999999999 does not exist in PPMS
SAP ABAP Systems
EHP8 FOR SAP ERP 6.0, VIRSA, VIRSAHR, GRC, GRCPINW, GRCPIERP, Queue check, Kernel, MP , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-UPG-MP , Maintenance Planning Tools , Problem
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