During SPAM/SAINT update, below dump happened and you cannot enter SPAM tcode again
Category ABAP Programming Error
Runtime Errors SYNTAX_ERROR
Application Component BC-UPG-OCS
Short text
Syntax error in program "SAPLSPAM ".
What happened?
Error in the ABAP Application Program
The current ABAP program "SAPMSPAM" had to be terminated because it has
come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
The following syntax error occurred in program "SAPLSPAM " in include "LSPAMTOP
" in
line 62:
"Field "PAT106-PATCH" is unknown. It is neither in one of the specified"
" tables nor defined by a "DATA" statement. ."
Checking the latest logs(like PXXXXX.SID) in /usr/sap/trans/log, you find below error on table PAT05 and/or table PATHISTORY
The following error message is an example from oracle database, the error may be varied due to differenet situation on different datasbase.
2WETP000 13:37:08: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "PAT05 " - repeat
2EETP345 13:37:20: Retcode 1: SQL-error "39726-ORA-39726: unsupported add/drop column operation on
2EETP345 compressed tables" in DDL statement for "PAT05 "
2 ETP000 --------------- DB-ROLLBACK() ---------------
2EETP334 13:37:20: error in DDL, nametab for "PAT05" not activated
SAP Products based on AS ABAP with Oracle 12c
SYNTAX_ERROR, SAPLSPAM, Field "PAT106-PATCH" is unknown, ORA-39726: unsupported add/drop column operation on, compressed tables, PAT05 , KBA , BC-UPG-OCS-SPA , Support package tools for ABAP , Problem
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