In the Manage Purchase Order app you can easily upload a file from the local data of your computer and attach at Item Level, but in the Advanced app you don't have the option to upload the file.
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SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
Reproducing the Issue
- Create Purchase Order - Advanced
- Select the item that you want to add an attachment
- Click on the "Documents" button
- No upload file option will appear
Purchase Order Advanced apps doesn't support upload a file directly from your local data.
To add an attachment at item level first you need to create a document in Manage Documents app:
- Go to Manage Documents app choose the Create option
- Document Type = SL1
- Under Originals tab upload the desired file
- Click on Create button
- Go to Create Purchase Order - Advanced app
- Fill the necessary fields with PO data
- Select the Item that you want to add in the attachment and click on Documents button
- Select the All versions option, click on Insert row, in Type field select SL1, in Document field add the document the you have uploaded
- Click on transfer button
- Save the Purchase Order
- In Purchase Order Messages you will see that the output has a collumn "Attachm" that will show how many attachments was sent
- To check the attachments select the output and click on Display Attachments
You can also manually add a new output and insert the desired attachment, after have filled all the necessary fields in the new output line, click on Disply Attachments and flag the attachment that you want to use
If the Merge option is grey out it's necessary to set up the customazing ‘Define Output Settings for Document’ SSCUI 103542 and flag the Merge option for Purchase_Order output:
See Also
Attachment; Purchase Order; Advanced; Print Attachment; Adding, Add, Manage Purchase Order, Create , KBA , MM-PUR-PO , Purchase Orders , How To