You download Outlook add-in from Download Center and after successful download, you notice the add-in is not visible in Outlook. It does not appear under active, inactive or disabled items in Outlook.
SAP Business ByDesign
SAP Add-In for Microsoft Outlook
Reproducing the Issue
- Application and User Management.
- Download Center.
- Download SAP Add-In for Microsoft Outlook.
- After successful download, You restart Outlook and the add-in has not appeared.
- In Outlook, click File and navigate to Options and then to Add-ins.
- You notice the add-in is not listed under Active Application Add-ins, Inactive Application Add-ins or Disabled Application Add-ins.
One cause could be that you are using a 64-bit version of Office. We have one known issue where Outlook add-in will not appear in Outlook after successful download.
To check if you are using a 64-bit version of Office, Open Outlook and click File - Office Account -About Outlook. The string on top will end in either 32-bit or 64-bit.
You or your IT team can manually make the necessary change in Registry Editor.
- In your Windows, search for Run App and open.
- Type "regedit" and click OK.
- Path where you need to add the highlighted folder: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\.
- Right click Addins folder and create new key.(you can name this key "SAPBusinessByDesignOutlookAddIn")
- Now right click this key and choose new string value. Name this "Manifest". After you have named this, right click Manifest and click Modify.
- Under value data, type: “C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\Business ByDesign\Add-In for Microsoft Outlook\sapOutlookAddIn.vsto|vstolocal” and click OK.
- Now right click your new folder again and choose new DWORD value this time. Rename this "Loadbehavior". Right click again on Loadbehaviour name and click Modify.
- Choose value data as “3” in hexadecimal format and click OK.
- Description is Optional and not mandatory to be added.
After you Close Registry Editor and restart Outlook, The add-in should now appear.
See Also
ByD, ByDesign, Outlook, MS Outlook, 64-bit, Add-in, Addins, Plugin, Download, Downloaded, Visible, Missing, Hidden, Appear, Appeared, Added, Install, Installed , KBA , SRD-CC-OIN-GW , Groupware , Problem