SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3023442 - Tax Rate Not Updated in a Scheduled Invoice Request


You created a contract with a service item and an invoice schedule. Later on you changed the Tax Rate Type in the service master data from Zero to Standard. You also updated accordingly the Tax Code for this item in the Contract.
But in the new scheduled invoice requests created afterwards, the tax code / tax rate is not automatically updated.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

Prerequisite: You created Customer Contract ABC (ABC is the ID of the contract) with a service item and an invoice schedule.

  1. Go to the Customer Invoicing work center.
  2. Go to the Invoice Requests view.
  3. Select the Scheduled Invoice Request DEF (DEF is the ID of the invoice request).
  4. Click Invoice.
  5. Click View All.
  6. Go to the Items tab - Taxes sub tab.
  7. You see the Tax Code determined is: 311 - Domestic Sale, Zero Rate, with VAT rate 0%.

You expected the Tax Code: 310 - Domestic Sale, Standard Rate, with standard rate 21%.


You created the Contract ABC when the rate type in the service master data was Zero and therefore the tax code 311 was determined in the contract.

At the same time, the Contract Invoice Request ABC was created in the system where the tax code was also 311.

When you changed the rate type in the service master data from Zero to Standard and triggered a recalculation on the Contract document, the tax code changed on the Contract but the Contract Invoice Request ABC still has the old tax code of 311.

This tax code was copied from the Contract Invoice Request ABC to the Scheduled Invoice Request DEF as tax calculation does not happen on Scheduled Invoice Requests. Also, when it is invoiced, no tax recalculation happens on the Customer Invoice if the Invoice Request already has a tax code. The same tax code is copied from the Invoice Request to Invoice and you can also see that automatic tax determination is not set on the invoice document because the tax code is taken over from the Contract Invoice Request.

Once the Contract Invoice Request is in status Processed on the release of a Contract, no changes made on the Contract reflect on the Contract Invoice Request anymore.


This is the expected system behavior.

To resolve your issue, you can either re-create the contract for that item or manually change the tax code on the invoice document during the invoice creation.


facture, demande de facture, taux de TVA, taxe, type de taxe, contrat, demande de facture planifiée , KBA , SRD-CRM-INV , Customer Invoicing , Problem


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