SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3023616 - SAP Marketing: Import Monitor: Relationship doesn't exist yet


You are importing data into SMC and noticed that a a few records are stuck "In Process" in the Import Monitor with the error message "No target origin data (DL_ACCOUNT_ENTITY-*) exists yet; relationship record 1 postponed".


  • SAP Marketing Cloud Edition

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Import Contact with Relationship Data to an Account that doesn't exist in the system. 
  2. Check the Import Monitor.


The system shows the status "In Process" for payloads where the Account related to a Contact was not imported into the system yet. The system postponed the relationship creation until the Account is imported into the system. This means that a contact in the payload has a relationship to an account that doesn't exist yet in the system, so the import of this specific contact has been postponed until it exists. This is an expected behavior and the import is not actually stuck. Please note that this error is only related to the contacts in the payload that have relationships with the accounts mentioned in the error messages, these were postponed, the other contacts were imported successfully.


  1. If this is the correct data and the contacts imported indeed have relationships to accounts, you need to import the accounts. System will restart the process of the payload automatically a few times, and it will become an error only if they fail multiple times.

  2. If the Import becomes an error, import the Account and Restart the import through the Import Monitor app. 

See Also

SAP Help Document on:


Contact, Account, Relationship, Import Monitor , KBA , CEC-MKT-DM-IC , Interaction Contact , How To


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions