Work status aDSO is missing from a BPC environment that was created by one of the following two methods:
- As a copy of another working environment or
- Transported.
The source BPC environment has a working work status but the environment created from it does not.
Solution provided in KB 2673566, which recommends creating the aDSO by executing transaction RSTCO_ADMIN ends in an error in SM37 log.
For BPC 10.1 embedded model on BW752,BW753 and BPC 11.x embedded model, aDSO is used instead of dynamic table. For example: /1BW/BWXXXX "Work Status of XXXXX". You can find the name of the work status aDSO in table RSBPCA_OBJ_NAMES.
SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation 10.1, version for SAP NetWeaver
SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation 11.x, version for SAP NetWeaver
InfoProvider ADSO BW752 BW753 BPC embedded modifiable how to transport work status transport work status , KBA , bw752 , bw753 , bpc embedded , bw753 bpc embedded , bw752 bpc embedded , modifiable , how to transport work status , transport work status , transport bpc work status , BW-PLA-BPC-ADM-WS , BPC - Work Status management , Problem
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