- During an update SUM stops in phase EHP_INCLUSION with error below in the log file EHP_INCLUSION.LOG:
1EETQ399 Last error code set is: Unable to generate addon queue. Return Code = 1, Reason =
1EETQ399X"The Installation/Upgrade Package for Add-on SAP_UI rel. 754 is not available", check log file
1EETQ399XIf you put new packages in the download directory, use option 'init' to upload them
1EETQ204 Upgrade phase "EHP_INCLUSION" aborted with severe errors ("")
- The log file SPDA_EHP_INCLUSION.LOG contains this error below:
3 ETN256 You want to install the following add-on components:
3 ETN248 Component: "UIBAS001" rel. "500", Support Package level: "0" (component type "W")
2 ETN085X"Calculate pure CRT Queue" "for installed Add-ons" "and already applied Support Packages" " "
3 ETN112 The OCS Package Queue is empty
2 ETN085X"Adding Add-on Installation Queue" " " " " " "
2WETN260 The Installation/Upgrade Package for Add-on "SAP_UI" rel. "754" is not available
SAP NetWeaver.
UIBAS001 500, SAP_UI 754, not available , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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