- ERROR: Our policy does not allow the use of this email address as it is used as a shared email address. Please use a unique email address.
- ERROR: Please use a unique individual email address
- Email Validation: Please use a valid email address
- Email Validation: Our policy does not support the use of a shared email address for the same customer. Please use a unique individual email address.
New users must have an individual email address
- Acceptable email address for individual user when creating new S-user IDs
- Email address for new user does not allow group email addresses
- How to add user with a user and not a shared email address
- When creating a new S-user cannot click Save. E-Mail is highlighted in red.
- When changing the email address on an S-user ID, cannot click Save. E-Mail is highlighted in red.
- Cannot create new S-user since email address is a shared email address intended for multiple people
- This appears to be a shared email account.Please use a unique individual email address.
- SAP for Me -> User Management
- Does not apply to Technical Communication User IDs
group email , shared email address , e-mail address , new user , suser id , userid , private email , work email , , KBA , XX-SER-FORME , SAP for Me , Problem
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