SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3025530 - How to add Company Specific Help Document in the Help Center in SAP Cloud for Customer(C4C)


This Knowledge Base Article(KBA) will help you on how you can add add a Company Specific Help document in the Help Center in SAP Cloud for Customer(C4C)


SAP Cloud for Customer


The Help Center contains the solution-specific Help documentation delivered by SAP. As an administrator, you can also add company-specific documentation in any workset, for example process descriptions or general business rules. It is also possible to add a file to all screens within the system.

  1. Navigate to the screen where you would like to add a document.
  2. Open the Help Center.
  3. You can add your document to this screen, or to all screens in the system.
    • To add your document to this screen, click Add Company-Specific Content under You Can Also.
    • To add your document to all screens, click Add Company-Specific Content for all Screens under You Can Also.
  4. You can upload a document directly or link to an online document.
  5. To upload a document, click New, then File.

C4C help.jpg

  1. To link to an online document, click New, then Link.

C4C company specific.jpg

    • URL
    • Name (This is the name that will appear as the link in the Help Center.)
    • Description
  1. Save your entries.


  1. Below file format supported:
    • Any Microsoft Office format (such as .docx or .xlsx)
    • .PDF
  2. You can upload files up to 500 MB in size. However, for performance reasons we recommend not uploading files larger than 20 MB.
  3. You can also remove the company-specific content you added.
  4. "http://" is must be prefix for the links in the URL field.

See Also

Add Company-Specific Help


 Add Company Specific Help, Company Specific Help, Upload File, Upload Link, Valid URL, Help Center, You Can Also. , KBA , you can also , company specific help , add company specific help , upload file , valid link , upload link , SRD-CC-CI-CCS , ByD Service Control Center , LOD-CRM-ADM , Administration UI , Problem


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