When user clicks the notification tag of Item Detail page, an error message may be displayed.
Only the Items with underscore in Item ID have this issue.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
Successfactors Learning
Reproducing the Issue
1. Login SF instance > Learning Administration > System Administration > System Management Tools > Generate Direct Link
2. Select 'Item Details' > Select output as "Token" > Display link > the link is like below
<DEEPLINK_NOTIFICATION linkType="ITEM_DETAILS" value="componentID=<URLENCODE value="<CPNT_ID/>"/>&componentTypeID=<URLENCODE value="<CPNT_TYPE_ID/>"/>&revisionDate=<URLENCODE value="<REV_DATE_IN_LONG/>"/>"/>
3. Go to Learning Activities> Item > Search and Open any Item with underscore '_' in Item ID >
4. For example, Open Item ID 'TEST_Online3'> Actions > Send notification > select any user as recipient> in the email body, add the link generated in Step2 > Send notification
5. Check the received email > click the link > enter login credential > see error message as shown in the screenshot
The issue is due to the underscore in Item ID is encoded for twice.
Here is the link in the notification.
We can see the Item ID part in above URL is 'componentID%3dTEST%255fOnline3'.
The underscore in Item ID is encoded as '%5f' and then the '%' is again encoded to %25: TEST_Online3→TEST%5fOnline3→TEST%255fOnline3
The Item ID was double encoded and caused the link redirection cannot work.
After detailed investigation, Engineering and PM found the fix will bring high risk to other features and hence reverted the fix.
Currently the issue is categorized as Enhancement Request, the workaround is to avoid using underscore in Item ID, or using Direct Links instead of Notification Tag.
KBA , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , Product Enhancement