SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3027660 - Accept or Reject DPCS when applying via Quick Apply - Recruiting Management


From b2305 onwards, existing candidates can accept or decline the Data Privacy Consent Statement while applying to Quick Apply job requisitions.


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management


Previously, when existing candidates were applying to job requisitions with Quick Apply enabled and the Data Privacy Consent Statement wasn't accepted previously or has been modified, the candidates weren't able to apply, and an error prompted on the screen instructing them to go to their candidate profile first to accept the data privacy consent statement. Only after that, they were able to apply.

On b2305 release, this behavior will change, and the candidates will be prompted to accept the data privacy consent statement while applying to Quick Apply job requisitions. When existing candidates are already logged into their candidate profile or they sign in while applying to the Quick Apply job requisition, the data privacy consent statement will appear as a pop-up in front of the job application where the candidate will have the option to accept or reject the statement.

If they accept, they will be able to move forward with their job application and apply. If they reject, they won't be allow to apply, and their candidate profile will be deleted.

This behavior is documented in the What's New Viewer page: Enhancements to Quick Apply.

See Also

Implementation Guide - Enabling Quick Apply in Job Requisition Template


Data, privacy, statement, quick, apply, DPCS, error, RCM-76205, version, existing candidate, sign in, log on, , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-APP , Applicants and Job Applications , Product Enhancement


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting 2305


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