When checking in a chapter (apply changes), there is an error
"The file exists"
In the application server log, there is this error
2020-02-28 07:05:02.5951 [5] [ERROR] ==>
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ErrorID: 055dc959-40c6-4bce-b703-6015124ab862
Message: The file exists.
Source: mscorlib
Stack trace: at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.Path.InternalGetTempFileName(Boolean checkHost)
at cundus.enterpriseReporting.Services.Util.UtilAntivirusCheck.ContentHasVirus(Byte[] content, Int32 chapterId, String extension, String& message)
at cundus.enterpriseReporting.Services.ReportService.SaveChapterContent(Int32 chapterid, Byte[] binaryObject, CheckInMode cim, String comment, Int32 position, Int32 part, Int32 partcount)
at cundus.enterpriseReporting.Web.WebServices.WDocumentService.setChapterContentXL(Int32 chapterid, Byte[] binaryObject, CheckInMode cim, String user, String comment, Int32 position, Int32 part, Int32 partcount, Int32 lcid)
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Disclosure Management 10.1
SAP Disclosure Management 10.1
file exists , KBA , dm , EPM-DSM-GEN , DM core functionalities , Problem
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