- The status of the agent in 'Agents' tab is still red after successfully installing the agent and configuring it by uploading the agent configuration file.
- The installation log looks like:
Fresh Installation
package directory:/tmp/.dsod__<>/DataServicesAgent
Success: Installing files
Success: Configuring environment
Success: Generating certificates
Success: Configuring internal database
Success: Create an event to purge SQLA log files
Success: Creating repositories
Success: Configuring job server
Success: Upgrading adapters
Success: Starting agent serviceCompleted successfully.
- Another agent has already been installed on the same /usr/<user>/ directory.
- SAP Cloud Platform Integration for Data Services 1.0.11.xxxx
- SuSE SLES 12 Linux
- Red Hat EL 7.6 Linux
SAP Cloud Integration for data services 1.0
LOD-HCI-DS, CPI, HCI, CPI-DS, Linux, agent, installation , KBA , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , Problem
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