You are trying to remove United Kingdom from the Implementation Project, however it ends up in error.
SAP Business ByDesign.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Business Configuration work center.
- Go to Implementation Projects view.
- Edit the project scope.
- Remove UK from the selected list.
- Go to Finish step.
Error: 'Currently unable to finalize these scope changes; some of your decisions would cause inconsistencies in your fine-tuning settings or the productive data. If error messages are displayed, resolve them before you proceed.'
Depending on the scenario, one of the reasons for this error message to be raised is that Domestic Wire Transfer and International Wire Transfer payment methods are assigned to the bank accounts.
You need to remove the Domestic and International Wire Transfer from the bank accounts, as follows:
- Go to Liquidity Management work center.
- Go to My Banks view.
- Select one bank and click Edit -> Bank Accounts.
- Select the bank account and refer to the Payment Method tab.
- Remove both Domestic Wire Transfer and International Wire Transfer from the Payment Method tab for all bank accounts.
After that, you shall be able to remove UK from scope.
Bank Account. My Bank. Payment Method. GB. UK. , KBA , SRD-FIN-ACC , Financial Accounting , How To