The following error message is received when trying to start (or stop) SAP with the command "sapcontrol -nr XX -function StartSystem" (or "StopSystem"; "XX" stands for the Instance number):
FAIL: NIECONN_REFUSED (Connection timed out), NiRawConnect failed in plugin_fopen(), <errordetails xmlns="urn:SAPControl"><errordetails xmlns="urn:SAPControl">Checking Start permission on http://<remote server>:5XX13 failed: NIECONN_REFUSED (Connection timed out), NiRawConnect failed in plugin_fopen()</errordetails></errordetails>
- Notice that the protocol might be https, in which case the port changes to 5XX14 ("...Checking Start permission on https://<remote server>:5XX14 failed...")
- The error code might also be "NIECONN_REFUSED (No route to host)"
Other scenarios where the issue can happen are:
- if sapcontrol is used to connect directly to a remote instance, for example:
sapcontrol -host <remote server> -queryuser -nr XX -function <any function>
- during a Rolling Kernel Switch (RKS) procedure, with the command:
sapcontrol -nr XX -function CheckUpdateSystem YYY ZZZ
- SAP Netweaver release independent
- ABAP Platform release independent
- Client/Server Technology - Startup Service
Rolling Kernel Switch, RKS, CheckUpdateSystem, StopSystem, StartSystem, Sapcontrol, NIECONN_REFUSED , KBA , BC-CST-STS , Startup Service , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-CST , Client/Server Technology , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , BC-JAS , NetWeaver Application Server Java , Problem
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