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3032329 - Trade Promotion condition generation fails due to maximum permitted number


A trade promotion cannot be released due to the following error message:

  • No condition records were generated; Maximum permitted number exceeded

The conditions are not being created, and the trade promotion status change cannot be saved as mentioned with the following error message:

  • Pricing conds not maintained successfully; status change cannot be saved

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SAP Customer Relationship Management


SAP Customer Relationship Management 7.0 ; SAP Customer Relationship Management 7.0 on SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ; SAP enhancement package 2 for SAP CRM 7.0, version for SAP HANA


Trade Promotion; [CRM_MKTPL_COND_IF 057]; [CRM_MKTPL_COND_IF 058]; CL_CRM_MKTGS_COND_MAINT->CHECK_DATA_VOLUME Conditions Maintenance; Check Data Volumes for Condition Generation
No condition records were generated; Maximum permitted number exceeded
Many condition records generated; Performance may be impaired Konditionsgenerierun; Konditionspflege; Datenvolumen für Konditionsgenerierung prüfen
Keine Konditionssätze generiert; erlaubte maximale Anzahl überschritten
Viele Konditionssätze generiert; Performance kann beeinträchtigt sein Génération de condition; Gestion des conditions; Contrôler volume de données pour génération de conditions
Aucun enregistrement de conditions généré ; nombre max. autorisé dépassé
Nbreux enregistrements de conditions générés ; peut nuire à performance   , KBA , CRM-MKT-MPL-ST-CND , Campaign Specific Condition Maintenance , CRM-MKT-MPL-TPM , Trade Promotion Management , How To

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