A customer wishes to use the Azure API for a Storage Account and use a Shared Access Signature (SAS)
Such examples would be to use:
- The PUT BLOB API to add files to the Hot Folder
- The GET BLOB API for the Cloud Log Storage feature.
- The AZ Copy tool.
The customer would like to generate this SAS through code, to create short lived SAS per request. Rather than generate one long lived SAS, as seen in SAP KBA 2950805 - How to Generate the Azure SAS in Azure Storage Explorer, that may prove a security risk.
The Shared Access Signature (SAS) is used in the authentication of API requests to the Azure Platform.
Shared Access Signature (SAS) can be used as an alternative to the SharedKey method of Authentication for Azure API requests.
Azure API Put Blob SAS Shared Access Signature SharedKey alternative , KBA , CEC-SCC-PLA-PL , Platform , How To
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