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3036995 - Error: "Cannot connect to Oracle DB (Adapter validation failed. User Name (Case Sensitive) [Readonly] does not exist in the source database." while testing remote source connection


  • When trying to connect from DP Agent to Oracle DB see this error: Create Agent failed with SAP DBTech JDBC: [403]: internal error: Cannot get remote source objects: Adapter validation failed. User Name (Case Sensitive) [Readonly] does not exist in the source 
  • Framework.trc shows:
    2021-03-12 15:04:04,385 [ERROR] OracleLogReaderAdapter | OracleLogReaderAdapter.sdaOpen [] - Adapter validation User Name (Case Sensitive) [Readonly] does not exist in the source database. Note that 'User Name (Case Sensitive)' option is case-sensitive.



  • SAP HANA Smart Data Integration
  • OracleLogReaderAdapter


SAP HANA smart data integration 2.0


Case sensitive, Oracle, ValidationException, OracleLogReaderAdapter USER
, KBA , HAN-DP-SDI , SAP HANA smart data integration (SDI) , Problem

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